uploads/lost tribes.jpg

lost tribes 失去的部落〔組成古代以色列王國的十個部落,公元前722年...


Where are our missing twenty millions of irish should be here today instead of four , our lost tribes 咱們這里本來應該有兩千萬愛爾蘭人,如今卻只有四百萬。咱們失去了的部族都哪兒去啦?

Is a member of one of the lost tribes of lsrael that should have remained lost 才是以色列部族中消亡的一族,根本就不該再出現

Lost tribe to my side just vibin and j . b . gon ball with me 對著空氣我不禁發呆要怎樣將心意說出來

One of the lost tribes of israel , are we 來自以色列的一個失蹤部落吧?